April 27, 2023
These questions can be used as a supplement for exam preparation. The questions do not replace working through the course book and
What are error checking techniques? It is possible that during data storage or transmission some of the informaon can be corrupted. To detect this, various error checking techniques (error checking systems) have been created. Checksums and CRC take the binary data through a mathemacal funcon that returns a specific value for that data stream. If the sending value matches the receiving value, then the data is assumed to be unchanged. A simple form of error checking is adding a parity bit, more complex
ones are CRC and checksum.What is a byte? A byte is a unit of digital informaon that consists of eight bits.
How many digits is one byte. One byte consists of 8 binary digits. What is TCP/IP? TCP/IP is a protocol that allows computers to communicate with each other.
- What does conjuncve mean? Conjuncve refers to the noun conjuncon. A conjuncon describes an "AND"
connecon. The only way a conjuncon of two proposions p and q is true is when both proposions are true. What are specific data types of a variable? A specific data type of a variable is for example int or char.
How to do bubble sorng. The rules for bubble sorng are this: starng at the beginning, compare the first two values. If the first one is larger, swap the two values. If it is not, there is nothing to do. Then compare the next two values and do the same unl you reach the end. Once this is done, do it again for every element except the last one, since it will be in order now. Each pass you complete will guarantee one more element is in order. Others may happen to be in order, but the bubble sort will check them all
regardless.What is a file? A file on a computer is a series of binary numbers—in fact, it could be considered one very long binary number. A file is a unit of binary data stored on a permanent
Explain Von Neumann's architecture. The von Neumann architecture is a reference model for the architecture of a computer. It consists of - a CPU, - a memory that holds both computer program instrucons and data, - an input system, - an output system. The CPU consist of an ALU, a control unit and registers, which contain a fixed number of bits. These registers can contain data or instrucons that have been read from memory. Besides the processor and memory, there also should be some type of input (entering data) and output system (outpu ng data) to be able to communicate with other devices or a human being. What is a decimal? A decimal is a number that uses ten symbols, 0 through 9, to represent all possible numbers. Human beings use the decimal numbering system to represent numbers
What is a stack? A stack is a data structure that works under a specific philosophy: Last In, First Out. This is oen abbreviated as LIFO. Imagine you are inpu ng data into a computer program— in this case, we will say it is a card game simulator. It will use a standard deck of 52 cards, and they will be randomized and placed into the stack. Just like in real life, when you are playing cards, you can only draw the card from the top of the deck. That is the last card that was placed on top, so it is the last in, but the first out. Once the game is started, the order cannot be changed, the next card in play is always the one on top of the deck—or in our simulaon, the stack. A stack in computer programming allows for two basic operaons: push and pop. Pop will take the top piece of data from the stack, which removes it. Push will add a new item to the top (and only the top) of the stack.
What is CRC? CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) is a mathemacal algorithm that returns a code (a kind fo checksum) of consistent length in digits. It can be applied to any length of binary data and will always return the same code if the binary data is the same. CRC is used for error detecon in network communicaon. A block of data is processed through a mathemacal algorithm and the result is appended to the data. Aer the data is sent, the calculaon is repeated to check the integrity.
Can you explain int with an example? An integer is a unit number; this means it contains no decimal component. Integers
include all the natural numbers (1,2,3, etc. ), their negave versions, and zero.Can you explain char with an example? A char is a single character. It can be used to represent a le er, number, or symbol. For example: 'A', '5', and '+' are all examples of chars. What is a char? A char is a single character. It can be used to store leers, numbers, punctuaon marks and other symbols.
What is the octal numbering system? The octal numbering system is a base-8 numbering system. It uses the digits 0 through 7. Each digit's place value is a mulple of 8, which is a power of 2, so it
What is firmware? Firmware is a type of soware that is required by the hardware for essenal funconality. It is either used for boong up a computer or electronic devices that always perform the same task, such as your smart refrigerator or a child’s toy. A single-task device does not need RAM to run different applicaons. Advanced personal computers can perform many tasks and need the RAM and extra hard drive storage to do so.
Can you describe the jump search algorithm? Jump search:For this one, we need a lile more informaon. Let’s say the book is 2,500 pages long. We calculate the square root of n, the number of pages, which gives us 50, which we will use for the jump size, or m. Ken will first jump to page 50 and see if Josh is higher or lower, then keep jumping unl he is past Josh. Then, he will go back to the previous jump and do a linear search (page by page) on the next 50 pages to find him. As you can see, this is definitely an improvement over a
straight linear search.
| are - "quality work" (have a high standard for the quality of your process and your finished product), - "professional conduct" (Conduct yourself professionally at all "professional knowledge" (Connually be aware of—and update—your knowledge of the company policies and procedures and follow them.) - "Review and cricism" reviews when needed.) - "Work in your experse" (If you are not skilled in a certain task.) - "Enable public awareness" (Help the public understand current technologies and the consequences associated with them.) - "Keep security in mind" (Create | ||
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What is ethics? Ethics is the study of moral concepts such as personal behavior, responsibility, good,
and evil. There are many ways that ethics can apply to the field of computer
What is user ethics? User ethics is the code of conduct that a user must follow to maintain proper use of a soware. It is important for users to be aware of their ethical responsibilies and
What is developer ethics? A soware developer has several ethical issues to consider as well. First, wring code is similar to wring a novel, in that you are expected to create your own
What devices can filter network traffic? A switch does basic filtering on network traffic (for example prevent broadcast
storms). Another device filtering network traffic is a router. A router analyses IP-
What device does not filter network traffic? A hub. The hub takes a signal from one cable and splits it out over several cables. If it was spli ng out four signals, it would be called a “four port” hub. A hub does not do any signal processing—everything that comes in is sent out through all of the ports. What is ACM code of ethics? The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct exists to inspire compung professionals to work for the greater good of society. The code of ethics was wrien
What is AI? Arficial Intelligence: There are many different types of machine intelligence. They fall into two broad categories: specific and general. Specific (or narrow) arficial intelligence (AI) is a system created to perform a specific task. For example, the predicve text that Google uses for searching is very good at predicng what you might want to search for, but it would not be good at finding your lost keys. General AI is sll a major programming challenge. A system in this category means that it is able to examine new situaons, learn, and perform a variety of broad tasks. Basically, this kind of AI seems to funcon similarly to a human being. It is important to understand what is meant by the term “intelligence.” Intelligence is more than just being able to perform a series of mathemacal algorithms; intelligence implies deducon and learning. An AI is able to come to conclusions with data it has never encountered before. Since computer systems are able to perform billions of calculaons per second, their power can be harnessed to simulate intelligence.
What is data science? Data Science is a part of computer science dealing with analyzing large amount of
data and provide meaningful and useful informaon.What is big bang model? The Big Bang model is a newer model oen used by startups and other small companies. It is best used for smaller projects. The main feature of this model is that coding, design, requirements, and tesng all begin simultaneously with very lile planning. It involves quite a bit of risk since there is lile pre-planning, but it also can lead to the quickest release of soware. Though there is lile planning in the Big Bang model, plans can be created on the fly as development connues. Tesng is done as soon as compiled code is available. What is spiral model? A spiral approach to soware development intenonally goes through several cycles of planning, designing, development, and tesng, before final release. An
What is waterfall model? The waterfall model is a rigid model flowing downward through the different steps of the cycle. The idea is that aer each stage is completed, it will not be returned
What is a soware development life cycle? There are many methods of creang soware; most follow the standard development life cycle. This is called a “life cycle” because it takes place over the life of a soware applicaon. Aer a soware is released, maintenance and updates are required. These updates must go through a similar cycle to that of the inial development process. The soware development life cycle concept incorporates technology as well as management to put together planning and
teams to meet a specific soware need.What is a microcontroller? A microcontroller is a computer chip with a processor, RAM, input, and output built in. The input and output travels through specific pins on the chip. The chips can
What is an embedded system? Embedded systems are devices that have a microprocessor and soware to perform a specific task. The soware is embedded in the device, hence the name. Examples of embedded systems include your washing machine, fire alarm system, and even your car's engine control unit. What is OLAP? Online Analycal Processing (OLAP) involves a high performance data analysis system. It is designed to query data across mulple tables and sources and provide
What is an informaon system? An informaon system consists of the raw data itself that exists in the system. Soware tools can provide analysis of the data and present it in different ways for user interpretaon. This means that soware is part of the informaon system, and so are the people using it. Of course, the soware needs hardware to run on, so it also is part of the system. In such a system, it makes sense to assign tasks properly because a computer can perform many tasks more efficiently than a human, but not all tasks. Things like data searching are perfect jobs for computers but difficult for humans, especially with very large data spaces. This means that there is some kind of business organizaon that makes decisions about how to use the hardware, soware, people, and data that are available. This organizaon is also part of
informaon systems.What is a file system? A file system manages and stores informaon. Operang systems implement file systems. An example for a file system is NTFS—New Technology File System
What is BIOS? BIOS is a Basic Input Output System. The BIOS is a special kind of chip of a computer. Within the BIOS chip a special kind of soware (firmware) is stored typically in a ROM (read only memory). The firmware of a BIOS chip provides a starng line for a computer every me it is turned on. One of the very first things a BIOS chip will instruct the computer to do is detect and test hardware that is connected to it. It performs a POST, or power on self-test to check that the required hardware is there and that it is funconing properly. Then it starts loading the operang system.
What is internet of things? Small devices connected to the Internet have become the Internet of Things (IoT).
There are already over a billion of these devices connected to the internet. They
What is DHCP? Dynamic Host Configuraon Protocol (DHCP) is a protocol used to assign IP addresses and other network configuraon parameters to each device on a network so that the devices can communicate with each other. This eliminates the need for a user to manually configure these se ngs, such as an IP address, when connecng to a network. What is world wide web? The World Wide Web is a special set of services that is delivered to a web browser. Basically, anything you can access in a web browser is part of the world wide web. The world wide web was created primarily to communicate formaed documents with pictures and hyperlinks using a simple markup language called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). Eventually, it evolved into what is used today including video services and websites with interacve JavaScript and connecons to databases of informaon. What is an applicaon layer? The applicaon layer is the top layer of the OSI model. The applicaon layer is the closest to the user, yet it interacts with applicaons that request network access. Technically, this layer is for applicaons, not made of applicaons. It is the interface layer where applicaons make requests of the operang system to access the network.
What is OSI model? OSI is a general communicaon standard that defines seven layers that are useful
for data transmission over networks. There is no "real" implementaon of the OSImodel. OSI is a so called reference model. Other communicaon standards like TCP/IP or Ethernet refer to the OSI standard to explain which part of the OSI layers
they implement.What is wireless technology? Wireless technology is a method of communicaon that uses radio waves to transmit data without the use of wires. The term is oen used in reference to mobile phones, but it can also refer to other devices such as wireless computer mice and keyboards. Wireless technology has become increasingly popular with the advent of Wi-Fi networks, which allow computers and other devices to connect wirelessly to the Internet. - What is a star network? A star network is a network topology in which all of the nodes are connected to a
central node. The central node is usually a hub, switch, or router. A star network can be implemented as an Ethernet LAN (Local Area Network) or as part of the Internet backbone. What is a ring network? A ring network consists of computers connected together in a ring, where the signal would pass around it. In this design, each computer was required to look at any data passed to it to see if it was required to pass it along. This design was not fault- tolerant, and would stop working if the ring was disconnected; this is why it has fallen out of use today. What is a ring topology? A ring topology is a network topology in which the nodes are connected in a closed loop. The simplest example of a ring network is a token ring network, where all the
What is a router? A router is a device that forwards data packets from one network to another. It
does this by analysing IP addresses.What is a switch? A switch is a network device. It has a connecon for an uplink and mulple ports for communicaon. However, it does do basic filtering on data. Computers send data
What is a hub? A hub is a network device that takes a signal from one cable and splits it out over several cables. If it was spli ng out four signals, it would be called a “four port”
What is Ethernet? Ethernet is a set of standards (defined by IEEE 802.3) used for LANs and WANs. The word “Ethernet” is used commonly to refer to parts of a local wired network, such as Ethernet cabling (Cat 5, 5e, 6, 7 and 8), and Ethernet ports, where the cables are connected. The standards of Ethernet include the physical layer, which gives specificaons for devices and signals, and the data link layer, where it defines how signals are organized. What is an ethernet cable? Ethernet cable is a type of cable used to connect devices to a computer network. It
What are the UTP cable categories? UTP cable categories are as follows: - Category 5 up to 100Mbps (Megabits per second) - Category 5e up to 1000Mbps (1Gbps) - Category 6 up to 10Gbps - Category 7 up to 40Gbps - Category 8 25Gbps or 40Gbps These UTP cables appear physically idencal. You must usually look for a label or prinng on the wire to see
the category if you are not sure.What is a LAN? LAN = Local Area Network, a network in a home or office. A LAN is a group of computers connected together via a network within a disnct geographic area. What is UTP cable? UTP: This stands for “unshielded twisted pair cable.” The individual wires are twisted together in pairs without extra insulaon. UTP cables are used in homes and offices to build up a LAN. What are network devices? Network devices are devices that connect are connected to a network. Important network devices are hubs, switches, routers. A computer itself or an embedded
What is a supercomputer? Supercomputer is a computer that is used in scienfic fields to analyze vast amounts of data. For instance, predicng the weather involves an enormous number of data points; a supercomputer is a good match for these kinds of problems. Sciensts can request me on supercomputers to do research, bringing them the massive power of Earth’s most amazing computers. Supercomputers use parallel processing, where tasks are split up between processors. One such supercomputer is in Germany, the SuperMUC-NG.
What is a server cluster? A server cluster is a group of idencal servers that share the workload for a certain
task.What is parallel processing? Parallel processing is when you take a task and break it down into sub-tasks and assign a separate CPU to complete it. Several CPUs are linked together in parallel to accomplish this. What is a device driver? A device driver is a piece of soware that allows the operang system to communicate with a hardware device. It is usually wrien by the manufacturer of
What is an input output system? Input and output system is a system that allows the user to communicate with the computer hardware. Input and output systems are typically used to transfer data from one device to another, or from one locaon to another. The input and output system of a computer is made up of many different devices, including keyboards, mice, monitors, printers, speakers and network cards. These devices all have their own input/output systems that allow them to communicate with the CPU. Every computer needs some kind of input output system in order to receive informaon for processing and an output system to output the results of the processing. What are input and output devices? Input and Output Devices are the devices that allow a user to communicate with a computer. Input devices include keyboards, mice, and external data sources such as
What is input and output? Input and output are the communicaon between a computer and its user. Input is the data that a user enters into a computer, while output is the data that a computer sends to its user.
What is RAM? This stands for Random Access Memory and means that the memory can be read randomly and at any point in the data. RAM is not permanent (short-term memory) but a lot faster than the hard drive in terms of memory accessing speed and reading and wring data. Because RAM is more expensive than a hard drive, it has
less capacity than a hard drive.What is a processor? A processor is a device that performs calculaons and commands using data stored in memory. It takes that input from memory and creates unique output, the results
of the processing. It is the "brain" of a computer.What is a CPU cache? The CPU cache is a small memory that is placed on the CPU chip itself. It is a memory for data and instrucons that the processor can access very quickly. This allows to speed up memory access mes. There are different levels of cache: some processors have three levels labelled L3, L2, and L1, each smaller and with a faster access me. This provides a way to avoid memory bolenecks as the CPU does not always have to make a request of system RAM; a small amount of currently used data is located in the cache. What is computer memory system? Computer memory system consists of different memories storing data and instrucons for the processor. A computer memory system oen comprises a long-
What is memory? Memory is a computer storage space that holds data and instrucons for the CPU to access.
What is memory addressing? Each byte of memory has a unique binary address. You could think of them each as lile mailboxes, storing a different binary number and also having a binary address. That means that the number of bits used for addressing will idenfy the number of bytes available. For instance, the Commodore 64 had 64K of addressable memory. This was accomplished by using 16-bit addressing. The total number of bytes that can be addressed with a 16-bit address is 65,536 bytes. This was considered 64K (At the me, a kilobyte was referred to as both 1,024 (2 to the power of 10) and 1,000 bytes). Each 16-bit address points to a mailbox (memory locaon) that contains
exactly one byte (inside the box).What is a data bus? Data bus is a data path that connects the CPU to memory and I/O devices. It is a collecon of wires that carry data from one device to another. What are von Neumann registers? There are five registers specific to the Von Neumann design. These are as follows: 1. Program Counter (PC) contains the memory address of the next instrucon to read from memory.2. Memory Address Register (MAR) contains the address of the current instrucon in memory, or the next data transfer address.3. Memory Data Register (MDR) contains the contents of the memory address that the MAR is poinng to and contains data to be transferred.4. Accumulator (AC) this contains data that have been processed or are about to be processed, including arithmec or logic results.5. Current Instrucon register (CIR) contains the current binary instrucon that is being executed.
What is von neumann architecture? The von Neumann architecture is a reference model for the architecture of a computer. It consists of - a CPU, - a memory that holds both computer program instrucons and data, - an input system, - an output system. The CPU consist of an ALU, a control unit and registers, which contain a fixed number of bits. These registers can contain data or instrucons that have been read from memory. Besides the processor and memory, there also should be some type of input (entering data) and output system (outpu ng data) to be able to communicate
with other devices or a human being.What is a Central Processing Unit (CPU)? The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is oen referred to as the “brain” of the computer. It does all the processing, which includes doing calculaons and sending
What is the meaning of data messaging? The process of sending data over a network is called data messaging. How does data messaging work? Data messaging works by breaking down the data to be send over the network into chunks, or segments, that are sent out separately. What is a message? A message is a piece of informaon that is sent from one person to another. It can be verbal or wrien, and it can be in the form of a le er, an email, or even a text
What is data? Data consists of raw numbers and symbols that can be arranged into meaningful informaon, which is then used for specific research or analysis purposes. To a computer, data are numerical and the basic data storage system is the binary numbering system.
What is the meaning of a correct algorithm? The correctness of an algorithm is an important requirement for algorithm development. Any algorithm that is used must be mathemacally correct. An algorithm is totally correct if it receives valid input, terminates, and always returns the correct output. We can prove this by formal reasoning or mathemacally, for
instance, with a proof by inducon.What is algorithm accuracy? The accuracy of an algorithm is the degree to which it approaches the opmal soluon. The more accurate an algorithm, the closer it gets to the opmal soluon.
What is quicksort? Quicksort is a sorng algorithm. Quicksort is regarded as one of the most efficient algorithms overall. Imagine a teacher with a stack of graded papers. The teacher wants to sort all of the papers by grade. The pile is split into all the grades higher than 55 (this number is the pivot and can be chosen by different methods) and those less than 55. Then the two piles are split around another pivot bringing the total number of piles to four. The teacher then sorts each pile separately and when they are done, can simply put all the piles back together in order from lowest pile to highest. It can be thought of as a “divide and conquer” type of method. In this example, the stack was split into four piles but, in reality, the data determines how many stacks it is split into for sorng.
What is binary inseron sort? Binary inseron sort is a sorng algorithm that uses the same method we used for
a binary search—by spli ng the data in half repeatedly. To sort the data, it builds a
What is bubble sort? Bubble sort is a sorng algorithm that works by comparing two elements at a me and swapping them if they are out of order. It is one of the simplest sorng
What is a binary search? Binary search is a search algorithm that searches for data in a sorted list. It works by dividing the list into two halves, and then repeang this process on each of the halves unl it reaches the desired data. The algorithm can be used to find an element in a sorted array, or to find an element's posion if it is known to be in the array. What is jump search? Jump search is a search algorithm that uses a jump size to find the target element in an ordered list. The jump size is the number of elements that are skipped over
What is linear search? Linear search is a searching algorithm that starts at the beginning and looks at each element in order.
What is a muldimensional array? A mul-dimensional array is an array that contains one or more arrays as its elements, where each element is also an array. In other words, it is an array of arrays. A two-dimensional array is the most common form of a mul-dimensional array, and it is oen used to represent a matrix or a table. A two-dimensional array is like a grid of rows and columns, where each element is idenfied by its row and
column index.What is an array? An array holds a fixed number of values of the same data type. Each value in the array can be accessed by its index, which represents its posion in the array. What is a linked list? A linked list is a sequenal data storage structure. Each element is linked to the next. In other words, an element in the data structure linked list contains two pieces of informaon, the data and the link. The last element in the linked list structure does not have a pointer to the next value, instead it points to null, which indicates that there are no more elements. Null is oen used to end a series of data. The link in each list is a pointer, which is a memory locaon. It idenfies the part of memory that contains the next element. What is a stack? A stack is a data structure that works under a specific philosophy: Last In, First Out. This is oen abbreviated as LIFO. Imagine you are inpu ng data into a computer program—in this case, we will say it is a card game simulator. It will use a standard deck of 52 cards, and they will be randomized and placed into the stack. Just like in real life, when you are playing cards, you can only draw the card from the top of the deck. That is the last card that was placed on top, so it is the last in, but the first out. Once the game is started, the order cannot be changed, the next card in play is always the one on top of your deck—or in our simulaon, your stack. A stack in computer programming allows for two basic operaons: push and pop. Pop will take the top piece of data from the stack, which removes it. Push will add a new item to the top (and only the top) of the stack.
What is a flowchart? Flowcharts (Flow Diagrams): To translate human instrucons into computer instrucons, coders have used flowcharts for many years. These charts make it easy to observe the structure of an algorithm and create it with a programming language. They use standard symbols to indicate different types of instrucons. A terminator symbol (oval or rectangle) is used at the beginning of a flowchart and at all the endings. They represent the external nodes of flowcharts. A rectangle represents a process, for instance, some type of data calculaon or filtering. The diamond is a decision—a decision has mulple pathways that can be taken. A parallelogram in a flow chart represents input or output, where data are sent into or out of the process. Finally, the arrows represent the flow from beginning to end
of the sequence.
What is a driver? A driver is a piece of soware that allows the operang system to communicate with hardware devices. What are the parts of an URL? A URL is composed of several components. The first part is the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS). The second part is the computer name (e.g. www). The third part is the domain name. The fourth part is the folder locaon, and the fih part is the file name.
What is TCP/IP error detecon? TCP/IP divides data into pieces to be sent over a network into segments or datagrams. These segments have a “header” at the beginning which defines the sending computer, the receiving computer, transmission se ngs, and also a 16-bit checksum to verify the data. The maximum size of this segment is 65,536 bytes. When each segment arrives at the desnaon computer it is checked against the checksum value; if the values don’t match, a retransmit request is sent to the source computer. Along with a checksum, TCP/IP also checks for transmission errors on other levels. The receiving computer must also send an acknowledgement (ACK) for each datagram received. This is accomplished by giving each datagram a sequence number in the header. The recipient machine sends an ACK for each sequence number—if one of the numbers is not acknowledged aer a certain period of me, the source computer will retransmit. At another level, TCP/IP will also detect broken routes over the network and re-route to new ones. This is one reason why TCP/IP has been used for decades on the internet: it is fault-tolerant. Part of the network can stop working without taking the enre network offline. Routers and devices that stop forwarding network traffic can be worked around by
checking for alternate routes to the desnaon.What is Cyclic Redundancy Check? Cyclic Redundancy Check, or CRC is a type of error-detecon in network communicaon. It works with a similar principle to the checksum. A block of data is processed through a mathemacal algorithm and a result is appended to the data. Aer the data is sent, a calculaon is repeated to check the integrity. The CRC can be applied to any length of binary data and will always return a code of the exact same length. This makes CRC a “hashing” algorithm, one that returns a value of consistent length in digits. How does quicksort work? Quicksort is a divide and conquer algorithm. It works by first choosing a pivot element, then paroning the list into two parts: all elements that are less than the
What is parity? Parity is a method of error-checking for binary data. It is used in telecommunicaons and was used in the past to check for errors in telegraphs. It works by adding an extra bit to a group of data bits, and then checking that the total number of ones (including the extra bit) is odd or even. If it does not match,
then it assumes there was an error and requests retransmission.What is transmission data fault tolerance? Transmission data fault tolerance is the ability of a network to detect and recover from errors that occur during the transmission of data. Error detecon techniques such as checksums, CRC or parity bits can be used to detect errors in the transmied data. What is a checksum? A checksum is a small fixed-length value that is computed from a block of data in order to detect errors that may occur during transmission or storage. It is used to verify the integrity of data and ensure that it has not been corrupted or modified in transit. The checksum is generated by performing a mathemacal calculaon on the data, typically using a hashing algorithm. The checksum is appended to the data itself, aer transmission the receiver performs the same calculaon on the received data and compares the computed checksum with the one that was transmied. If the checksums match, it is assumed that the data has been transmied correctly, and no errors have occurred. If the checksums do not match, then an error is detected, and the data must be retransmied.
What is storage error checking? Storage error checking is a method to detect corrupted files in storage. It is done by storing an exact copy somewhere and then comparing it. But because some files are megabytes, or even gigabytes, in size, this would be very inefficient. Instead, since the file is one large binary number, it is placed into an algorithm. This algorithm is like a mathemacal funcon—it has a numeric soluon. The checksum is the soluon to this problem; it is calculated and appended to the file when it is saved. The checksum can be calculated again when the file is opened. If the calculated checksum is different from the checksum appended to the file, the file
has been corrupted.What are non numeric data types? Non numeric data types are data types that are used to represent non numeric or non-mathemacal values, such as text, characters, dates, mes, Boolean values, and other data that cannot be expressed as a number. Examples: String (sequence of characters that represents text), character (a single alphabec or symbolic character, such as a le er, digit, punctuaon mark, or other symbol), date and me (used to represent dates, mes, or both), ... What are numerical data types? Numerical data types are used to represent numerical or mathemacal values, such as integers, floang-point numbers, and decimal numbers. The following numerical
What is float? Float is a data type that can store numbers with decimal points.The reason a
decimal is called a “float” is because the decimal point can float around to different
What is a variable? In programming, the coder creates variables to store individual units of data. A variable is a container for informaon. It has three important defining factors: a name, a type, and a memory locaon. The name is what it will be referred to in code, just as if you wrote a label on a box. The memory locaon is where the computer can find this box in RAM. The type describe for example how many bytes in memory are used to store the value of the variable and what is the meaning of the individual bits and bytes. What is a data type? A data type determines the kind of data that can be stored in a variable, such as integers, floang-point numbers, strings, and boolean values. A data type defines
What is data contextualizaon? All informaon is stored in binary format in computers. If you want to store alphabecal leers, you can represent each leer with a specific number. To convert the stored binary numbers back into leers, you need addional contextual informaon, such as the code that was used for conversion. Examples of such codes include ASCII or Unicode.
computer is binary"? |
What is hexadecimal? Hexadecimal is a base-16 numbering system used in compung and digital communicaons. In contrast to the familiar base-10 decimal numbering system, which uses 10 digits (0-9), the hexadecimal system uses 16 digits: 0-9 and A-F. The leers A through F are used to represent the numbers 10 through 15, respecvely. One digit of hexadecimal (or “hex”) can represent four digits of binary. In computer applicaons, hexadecimal numbers are usually wrien in groups of two, since two digits represent eight digits in binary (a byte). You will oen see a leading zero before a hex number to represent this. Hex is oen used to view raw data in a file; it is a sort of shorthand for binary. Hexadecimal is used as a go-between for humans since: a) it has an exact 1:4 rao of digits with binary, and b) it has more symbols, so it is easier for humans to read. Displaying data in hex takes four mes less space than in binary.
What is data storage? RAM (Random Access Memory) and hard drives are data storage devices. In RAM, data is stored temporarily while a computer is running. A hard drive stores data permanently and can therefore be used to preserve data even aer the computer is
turned off.What are data measures of bytes? Data measures of bytes are units used to express the amount of digital informaon. The most common units used for data measures of bytes, listed from smallest to largest: - Bit (abbreviaon: b) - a single binary digit that can hold a value of either 0 or 1. - Byte (B) - a group of eight bits. A single byte can represent a character of text or a small amount of data. - Kilobyte (KB) - 1,000 Bytes. Used to measure small amounts of data, such as text documents or small images. - Megabyte (MB) - 1,000 Kilobytes. Used to measure larger files, such as high-resoluon images or short videos. - Gigabyte (GB) - 1,000 Megabytes. Used to measure even larger files, such as movies or large soware programs. - Terabyte (TB) - 1,000 Gigabytes. Used to measure very large amounts of data, such as complex databases or enre
What is the binary numbering system? The binary numbering system is a base-2 numbering system that uses two symbols, 0 and 1, to represent all possible numbers. Computers use the binary numbering
What is the decimal numbering system? Human beings have ten fingers. It is a common reason given for why we use a base 10 numbering system: decimal. Decimal uses ten symbols, 0 through 9, to represent all possible numbers. In the decimal numbering system, each digit's value is based
on its posion relave to the decimal point. For example, the number "123" indecimal notaon represents 1 x 10^2 + 2 x 10^1 + 3 x 10^0, or 100 + 20 + 3, which
equals 123.What are the eras of compung? To look at the history of modern compung machines, we will break it down into four eras: - Behemoths: Huge machines used mostly by governments. 1940s - 1960s. - Business: Computers that are used by individuals in business. 1960s - 1980s. - Graphical: The dawn of the Graphical User Interface and digital imagery. 1980s - 2000s. - Portable: Miniaturizaon of computers; laptops, tablets, smartphones. 2000s - today. What is a behemoth? A behemoth is an enormous computer that were built with vacuum tubes and wires and took up enre rooms. The input was usually entered by flipping switches and turning dials. The output was oen given via lights or punched holes on paper. They were basically number-crunching machines that were used to perform large mathemacal computaons, or to work with large amounts of numerical data. The U.S. Census Bureau purchased one of these huge computers, the UNIVAC, in 1951 to help with counng the populaon of the United States. The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), the first general-purpose computer, which began operaon in 1946 and was programmed by a team of six female operators, should also be menoned in this context.
What is a language? We can disnguish between natural languages and programming languages. A natural language is used for communicaon between humans, while a
What is semancs? If I very clearly describe how to make a peanut buer sandwich, but actually wanted a chicken salad, then I have a semancs problem. It’s possible to create perfectly readable code for a computer, yet have it do something different than your intenon. When a program compiles and runs without producing any syntax errors or runme errors, but it does not produce the expected output or produces incorrect output due to a mistake in the logic of the program. For instance, suppose you write a program to calculate the average of a list of numbers, but you forget dividing the sum by the number of elements in the list. The program would compile and run without any errors, but the output would be incorrect, resulng in a semanc error.
What is syntax? Syntax is the set of rules that govern how a language is used. In programming, syntax refers to the correct usage and ordering of words and symbols in a program. If they are not in the correct order, the program will not work. Just like the words in an English sentence, programming instrucons only make sense in the correct order; otherwise, it is just a jumble. If you took the words of this sentence and put them in a random order, it would ignore proper syntax and make lile sense. Syntax also includes rules for when certain symbols can be used, similar to English rules for
where punctuaon can go in a sentence.What is an applicaon? An applicaon (app) is a computer program that performs a specific task. For example, Microso Word is an applicaon that allows users to create and edit documents. Applicaons are usually designed for a specific purpose, such as word processing or playing games. What is an operang system? An operang system (OS) is the first soware loaded into the RAM during the boot process. An OS is essenal for a computer to funcon (assuming a standard
What is soware? Soware is a set of instrucons that tell a computer what to do. It takes the form of either an operang system or an applicaon. The OS provides basic funconality
- What is an IRQ? An IRQ stands for "Interrupt Request". A device can send status messages to the
CPU by in interrupt request line, labeled from 00 to 15. If a hardware device, such
Does an array take more space than a stack? Typically, an array does not take up more space in memory than a stack. A stack can be implemented internally as an array or a linked list. If you want to store 100
Where is a linked list used? A linked list is a flexible data structure. Each element in a linked list is linked via a
pointer to the next element. A linked list hasn't got a fixed size and elements can be
What is a DDOS? A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) aack is a cyber-aack where mulple systems send so many simultaneous requests for data that the server cannot answer them all and either stops working or becomes so slow that it is mostly unusable. What is ASCII? This is a binary code scheme where leers, numbers, and symbols are represented by exactly one byte of data. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for
Describe the network topologies ring and mesh. A ring network consists of computers connected together in a ring, where the signal passes around it. In this design, each computer is required to look at any data passed to it to see if it is required to pass it along. This design is not fault-tolerant and stops working if the ring is disconnected. That is why it has fallen out of use today. A mesh network connects every node (computer or device) to every other node. For each device that is connected, more cabling is required, which is extremely inefficient. However, it has the advantage of being fault-tolerant since there are mulple paths to each node. Mesh networks are becoming interesng in wireless networks since there is no need for cabling, and the benefit of fault
tolerance is significant.What is binary search? Binary search is a search algorithm that searches for data in a sorted list. It works by dividing the list into two halves repeatedly. If the value you are searching for is lower than the value in the middle of the list, you go on searching in the le part of the list (dividing into two halves ...). If the value you are searching for is higher than the value in the middle of the list, you go on searching in the right part of the list (dividing into two halves ...). What is a hub? A hub is a device that takes a signal from one cable and splits it out over several cables. If it was spli ng out four signals, it would be called a “four port” hub. A hub does not do any signal processing—everything that comes in is sent out through all of the ports. Communicaon is two-way: the ports can also send communicaon through the uplink connecon. Would the linked list work to order elements? Yes, the linked list would work to order elements.
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What is CSS? CSS: This stands for Cascading Style Sheets, these are used to create layout and forma ng for web sites.
What is a datagram? A datagram is a unit of data sent over a network. A datagram may contain one or more packets, depending on the protocol used to send it. What is TCP/IP? TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The transmission control protocol works at the transport layer, while the internet protocol works at the network layer of the OSI model. However, TCP has its own four-layer model of operang. TCP/IP is the protocol of the internet. That means that to access the internet, it must be installed on a device. Since it is also usable for LAN communicaon, most computers use TCP/IP as their primary and only network protocol. What is a device controller? A device controller is a piece of soware that controls the binary input and output to a device. The device controller can also signal the CPU with an interrupt. A
What is a driver? A driver is a piece of soware that allows the operang system to communicate with hardware devices. What does TCP mean? Transmission Control Protocol
What is ALU? The ALU is the part of a computer that performs arithmec and logic operaons. It is responsible for performing basic arithmec calculaons on data, such as adding
What is a computer interface? A computer interface is the combinaon of all of the methods designed for a user to interact with a computer, input and output. What does GUI stand for? Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a type of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices using graphics and text rather than just text. It is
What is CRT? A cathode ray tube (CRT) was a type of monitor or television that used a large tube to display images. What is a hard drive? A hard drive is a storage device that stores data in a non-volale manner. It is used to store the operang system and other programs on your computer. Where is the firmware usually stored on? The firmware is stored in the BIOS chip.
Who is Von Neumann? Von Neumann was a Hungarian-American mathemacian, physicist, inventor, computer scienst and polymath. He made major contribuons to a number of fields, including mathemacs (foundaons of mathemacs), physics (quantum theory, solid state physics and the theory of games), compung (Von Neumann architecture), stascs (theory of games and the Monte Carlo method) and technology (cellular automata). He published over 150 papers in his life. Von Neumann was one of the most influenal mathemacians of the 20th century. He introduced the concept of cellular automata, which are self-replicang machines. Von Neumann's mathemacal analysis of the structure of self-replicaon preceded the discovery by biologists in 1953 that DNA carries genec informaon using a
code largely based on binary numbers.Who is Russell Kirsch? In the 1950s, Russell Kirsch invented the pixel. He decided that the simplest way to divide up the data in a photo or image was to demarcate it into discrete squares—
Where are pixels used? Pixels are used in all types of images including fonts, icons, and graphics, along with photos. When should I use JavaScript? When you want to create a interacve website.
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What is XOR? XOR (exclusive OR, exclusive disjuncon) is a logic gate that indicates that only one out of two proposions is true. If both inputs (proposions) are true or both are false the output is false. If only one of the inputs (proposions) is true and the other false, the output is true.
What is von neumann architecture Von Neumann architecture is a basic design for computer systems that is sll in use today. The von Neumann architecture is a reference model for the architecture of a computer. It consists of - a CPU, - a memory that holds both computer program instrucons and data, - an input system, - an output system. The CPU consist of an ALU, a control unit and registers, which contain a fixed number of bits. These registers can contain data or instrucons that have been read from memory. Besides the processor and memory, there also should be some type of input (entering data) and output system (outpu ng data) to be able to communicate
with other devices or a human being.Explain the star network topology. In a star network topology, a central network device such as a hub, switch, or router is used to connect all the devices in the network. The central node in a star network
What is the meaning of transoceanic? The term transoceanic refers to something that occurs across or involves mulple oceans. It is used to describe things that span across large distances of water, typically in reference to travel, transportaon, or communicaon. Transoceanic communicaon cables refer to undersea communicaon cables that connect connents and countries across oceans.
What is the second layer of the OSI model? The second layer of the OSI model is the data link layer. It exists to provide specificaons for devices—such as Ethernet—that determine the way signals are sent electronically over the network, as well as standards for devices; this is where the hardware (MAC) address is used. It includes local network error checking, including collisions. Collisions occur when two network devices send out a signal simultaneously, and they collide over physical media. Most networks use collision detecon. This means aer a collision is detected both devices are instructed to
wait a random amount of me before sending again.What is the purpose of an operang system? The purpose of an operang system is to provide an interface, control hardware, and run applicaons. What are the tasks of the presentaon layer? The presentaon layer prepares the data for being transferred. Encoding happens here. For instance, if you are sending an email in Unicode, it will translate the
What is the physical layer? The physical layer is the lowest layer of the OSI model. It is responsible for sending and receiving data over a network. The physical layer defines how signals are sent and received, as well as how they are converted into binary data. The physical layer includes specificaons for cabling and connectors. It consists of hardware specificaons.
What is the first layer of the osi model? The first layer of the OSI model is the Physical Layer. What is the difference between hp and hps? Both protocols exist to transfer data for a web page. The difference between hp and hps is that the secure version (hps) uses encrypon to protect private data.
What is the concept behind pixel images? The concept behind pixel images is to break any image up into small squares, so that each square would then have one (and only one) color. If the squares are small enough, the human eye cannot disnguish them individually, and so our brain will
see a photographic image. An image is stored as a binary sequence of "color
values". You start at the top le for the first pixel, and then go across the first row inthat order unl compleng it and then jumping down to the next row of pixels. Since the order is implicit, there is no need to number the pixels. Each pixel has a color as its basic data, so we must represent each separate color as a binary number. If we use eight bits (a byte), then there are 256 different colors we can
represent uniquely. This is called 8-bit color.What is semancs? Semancs is the study of meaning. Computer sciensts use the term semanc to describe a type of error in soware. It’s possible to create perfectly readable code for a computer, yet have it do something different than your intenon. When a program compiles and runs without producing any syntax errors or runme errors, but it does not produce the expected output or produces incorrect output due to a mistake in the logic of the program. For instance, suppose you write a program to calculate the average of a list of numbers, but you forget dividing the sum by the number of elements in the list. The program would compile and run without any errors, but the output would be incorrect, resulng in a semanc error. What is Python? Python is a programming language used for web development, data analysis, arficial intelligence, scienfic compung, and more. What is logic? In computer science, logic is a fundamental branch of mathemacs that deals with the study of reasoning and argumentaon. It involves the use of symbols and rules to express and manipulate statements and arguments, with the goal of determining their validity or truth. Proposional logic is a specific area relevant to computer science.
What is Linux? Linux is a computer operang system. It is a free and open source soware
operang system for computers, meaning that the code can be modified and
What is HTTP? HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is part of the TCP/IP protocol suite—it exists specifically to transfer data for a web page. HTTP is the foundaon of the World Wide Web and enables the transfer of informaon between clients and servers over the internet. What is Fortran? Fortran is a programming language. Addional informaon: Fortran was developed in the 1950s. It is used to write programs for scienfic and engineering applicaons. It is sll used today, but has been largely replaced by other languages like C++ and Java. What is DNS? Domain Name System (DNS) is a service that translates domain names into IP addresses. It is used to access websites and other resources on the Internet. Every
What are data structures? Data structures are the way in which data is stored and organized. They are used to make it easier to access and manipulate data. There are many different types of
What is data mining? Data mining is the process of producing useful informaon from large amounts of
data, oen from mulple sources.What is data contextualizaon? What is the meaning of the binary byte 01000001? We don't know if it represents a number, a le er, or if it has to be connected with other bytes to represent a larger
What is a Wi-Fi access point? A Wi-Fi access point is a device that allows wireless devices to connect to the Internet. What is a terminator in a flowchart? A terminator symbol (oval or rectangle) is used at the beginning of a flowchart and at all the endings. A terminator symbol represents the start or end of a process or program. Terminator symbols are used to make flowcharts more readable and easier to follow, as they provide a clear indicaon of where a process begins and ends. What is a syntax error? A syntax error is a mistake in the syntax of a programming language such as - missing punctuaon, - wrong ordering of symbols and words, - misspelled keywords
What is a proposion? A proposion is the idea behind a statement. For instance, saying 'It is more than
27 degrees Celsius' is a logical statement, but the proposion behind it is that the
- What is an UI? UI stands for "User Interface". It refers to the graphical or interacve elements that
allow users to interact with a soware. What is a firmware? Firmware is a type of soware that is required by the hardware for essenal funconality. It is programmed into a stable chip that retains the data even without
What is a discrete unit of data? A discrete unit of data is a single, disnct piece of informaon that can be stored, manipulated, or transmied by a computer or other digital device. In the context of this course book a discrete unit of data is a file.
What happened in the Business era of computer The Business era of computer is the period from the 1960s to the 1980s. Computers
was used by individual experts in business. No graphical user interfaces was
What happened in 1801? Joseph Maria Jacquard invented a loom that used punch cards made of wood to create fabric designs automacally. Technically, this was programming—a pre-made
What does TCP/IP stand for? Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol What can be represented in binary? Any type of informaon can be represented in binary. This includes numeric values, text, images, audio, and video. All of this informaon can be converted into a binary representaon. What is a programming language? Programming languages are languages that can be used by humans to give instrucons to a computer without having to write everything in binary.
What is a parity bit? Parity is a method of error-checking for binary data. It works by adding an extra bit (the so-called parity bit) to a group of data bits and then checking that the total number of ones (including the extra bit) is odd or even. If an odd parity bit is used, the parity bit makes the total number of ones in the group of data odd. For example, if you have the following data 1010111, you count 5 ones. Because 5 is odd, the parity bit to add is 0. Then we have the byte 01010111. On the other hand, if you have the following data 1010101, you count 4 ones. To make the total number of ones odd, the parity bit to add has to be 1. Then we have the byte 11010101.
What are formats in number representaon? In compung, there are several different formats that are commonly used for
number representaon, including decimal, binary, hexadecimal and octal.What is a data bus? A data bus is a connecon that is used for data transfer between different components of a computer. What is proposional logic? Proposional logic deals with the logical relaonships between proposions that are represented as simple statements or symbols. In proposional logic,
Which is the fastest cache L1, L2 or L3? L1 cache is the fastest, L2 cache is slower than L1 and L3 cache is slower than L2. What is the memory size of the L1 cache? The memory size of L1 cache varies depending on the architecture and design of the processor. For example, in the Intel Core i7 processor, the L1 cache has a size of 32 kilobytes (KB). What is the big O notaon? The big O notaon is used to describe the complexity of an algorithm. It is based on the data size of n elements. For instance, bubble sort takes approximately n^2 steps
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How can one behave ethically? You can behave ethically for example by not stealing intellectual property, not lying about your product, and keeping user informaon private. How to convert binary to octal? Converng binary to octal involves grouping the binary digits into sets of three, starng from the rightmost digit, and then converng each group of three binary digits into its corresponding octal digit. The binary number 110 010 111 011 001 010 can be converted into octal as follows: 010 = 2, 001 = 1, 011 = 3, 111 = 7, 010 = 2, 110 = 6. The number in octal is: 627312. If you're unsure about the correctness of your conversion between numbering systems, you can use a webpage like the following to check: hps:// octal.html.
How many bytes is a mega byte? A mega byte (1MB) is 1,000,000 bytes. How can humans 'think like a computer'? A computer needs clear and unambiguous instrucons. If we want to solve a problem in the real world using a computer, we must be able to break down the problem into easy, step-by-step instrucons that we can formulate in a programming language. How does an algorithm work? An algorithm is a set of rules or instrucons for compleng a task. This applies to human beings as well as computers. The algorithm takes input data, processes it, and produces an output based on the instrucons provided. If you want to assemble a cabinet, you have the individual parts as input, you follow the assembly instrucons (that's the algorithm), and you get the fully assembled cabinet as output. When a computer processes a search query, the search algorithm receives the search terms as input, executes the search algorithm step by step, and delivers the search results as output.
How does a cpu work? The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is oen referred to as the “brain” of the computer. It does all the processing, which includes doing calculaons and sending instrucons to other hardware. The CPU consists of mulple components, including the control unit, arithmec and logic unit, registers, and cache. The control unit manages the flow of data between the CPU and memory, while the arithmec and logic unit performs arithmec and logical operaons. Registers and cache are high- speed memory units that are used to store data that is frequently accessed by the
CPU.How can I sort informaon alphabecally? You can sort informaon alphabecally by using the ASCII value of each character. The ASCII value is a number that represents the character. For example, the leer A
What is the data link layer? The data link layer is the second layer of the OSI model. The data link layer provides specificaons for devices—such as Ethernet—that determine the way signals are sent electronically over the network, as well as standards for devices; this is where the hardware (MAC) address is used. It includes local network error checking, including collisions. Collisions occur when two network devices send out a signal simultaneously, and they collide over physical media. Most networks use collision detecon. This means aer a collision is detected both devices are instructed to wait a random amount of me before sending again. What is a DSS? A Decision Support System (DSS), is primarily designed to look to the future and help make informed decisions. A key of a good DSS is that the informaon is
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Describe the boot process. The boot process is the startup sequence of a computer. The term comes from the phrase “pull yourself up by your bootstraps.” When a computer first starts up (the boot process), the RAM is empty and the computer is waing for instrucons on what to do. It finds those instrucons (soware) in a special chip called a BIOS, which stands for Basic Input Output System. These instrucons are what the computer follows when first it starts up. They are always the same, so they are programmed into a stable chip that retains the data even without electrical power (a non-volale chip). A modern computer first runs the instrucons on the BIOS chip for boong up, which includes idenfying all of the hardware aached to the machine (hard drives, amount of RAM, graphics card, etc.). Once that is done, it finds the operang system (OS) on the hard drive or other long-term storage device and begins the process of copying it into RAM. That is what you are waing for when a computer is “boong” up. You stare at the logo for your computer unl this process is finished and you can interact with it. What is a firewall? A firewall is a device that filters data from entering or leaving a network. It can also block data from entering a network that does not belong there; this funcon is called a firewall.
What is sampling? Sampling is the representaon of analog data by taking samples of the wave values
over small me intervals. In the real world sound exist in waves. Informaon
What is binary? The term binary is used in the context of a numbering system. The binary numbering system is a base 2 numbering system consisng of only ones and zeroes. What is an API? Applicaons use an Applicaon Programming Interface (API) that is provided by another applicaon (for example the operang system) to use specific funconality.
What is an algorithm? An algorithm is a sequence of instrucons that can be used to solve a problem. The most common algorithms are sorng algorithms, which sort data into an order that is more useful for the user. Algorithms can also be used to find paerns in data, such as finding the highest value in a list or finding all possible combinaons of numbers from 1-100.
What is algorithm complexity? Algorithm complexity is the number of steps that an algorithm takes to complete its task. The less complex an algorithm is, the more efficient it tends to be. When we are evaluang the usefulness of algorithms, one thing we ask is: which one requires more operaons to complete its task? That algorithm is the most complex. Of course, we want to use the least complex algorithm that will take fewer calculaons
and therefore less me and energy.What is a binary digit? A binary digit is the smallest unit of data in a computer. They are represented by two symbols, 0 and 1. A byte is eight binary digits together, which can represent 256 combinaons or 0 to 255. What is 802.11? 802.11 is an IEEE standard for wireless communicaon, set in 1997. New, updated standards were then introduced by adding addional leers aer the name. The
What is a computer program? A computer program is a set of instrucons that tell the computer what to do. It is wrien in a programming language that the computer can understand. What is RGB? RGB is a color model in which red, green, and blue are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the scheme comes from the
What is the VGA graphics system? The VGA graphics system is a computer display standard introduced by IBM in 1987. It was the first standard to use a digital RGB color model, instead of the analog RGB model used previously. The VGA supports up to 640×480 pixels with 16 colors at once from a palee of 262,144 colors. What is a pixel? A pixel is a single square which is assigned a color and used to assemble a larger image. What does CPU stand for? Central Processing Unit
What is a byte and how does it compare to a bit? A byte is a unit of digital informaon that consists of eight bits. A bit is a single
binary digit, either 0 or 1.What is a bit? A bit is the smallest unit of data in a computer. A bit can either store the value 1 or the value 0. What are binary digits? Binary digits are the two symbols used in binary, 0 and 1. What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a programming language that is used to create interacve effects on websites. It is also used to create programs for web browsers. What does RAM stand for? Random Access Memory
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What is the binary representaon of A? If we use the ASCII code the leer A is represented by 01000001.
Explain the bubble sort algorithm. The rules for bubble sorng are this: starng at the beginning, compare the first two values. If the first one is larger, swap the two values. If it is not, there is nothing to do. Then compare the next two values and do the same unl you reach the end. Once this is done, do it again for every element except the last one, since it will be in order now. Each pass you complete will guarantee one more element is in order.
Others may happen to be in order, but the bubble sort will check them all
Explain odd an even parity bits. Parity is a method of error-checking for binary data. It works by adding an extra bit (the so-called parity bit) to a group of data bits and then checking that the total number of ones is odd or even.
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Why should I learn JavaScript? Because it is a programming language that is used to create interacve websites.
What is base 8? Base 8 refers to a numbering system that uses the digits 0 through 7. It is also known as octal numbering system. Which numbering system is base 8? The octal numbering system. What is a BIOS chip? Within the BIOS chip a special kind of soware (firmware) is stored typically in a ROM (read only memory). The firmware of a BIOS chip provides a starng line for a
Where is firmware usually stored? Firmware is usually stored in the BIOS chip.
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