Panda for python - Home Teachers India


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Panda for python



Pandas are the most widely used library for working with tabular data. Consider Python's version of a spreadsheet or SQL table. Structured data can be manipulated in the same way that Excel or Google Sheets can. Many machine         learning       and    related                 libraries   include            SciPy,      Scikit-learn, Statsmodels, NetworkX, and visualization libraries, including Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, and others, are compatible with Pandas Data Structures. Many specialized libraries have been constructed on top of the Pandas Library, including geo-pandas, quandl, Bokeh, and others. Pandas are used extensively in many proprietary libraries for algorithmic trading, data

analysis, ETL procedures, etc.

Interview Questions for Python Pandas

1.   What exactly are Pandas/Python Pandas?

Pandas are a Python open-source toolkit that allows for high-performance data manipulation. Pandas get its name from "panel data," which refers to econometrics based on multidimensional data. It was created by Wes McKinney in 2008 and may be used for data analysis in Python. It can conduct the five major processes necessary for data processing and analysis, regardless of the data's origin, namely load, manipulate, prepare, model, and analyze.

2.   What are the different sorts of Pandas Data Structures?

Pandas provide two data structures, Series and DataFrames, which the panda's library supports. Both of these data structures are based on the NumPy framework. A series is a one-dimensional data structure in pandas, whereas a DataFrame is two-dimensional.

3.   How do you define a series in Pandas?

A Series is a one-dimensional array capable of holding many data types. The index refers to the row labels of a series. We can quickly turn a list, tuple, or dictionary into a series by utilizing the 'series' function. Multiple columns are not allowed in a Series.

4.   How can the standard deviation of the Series be calculated?

The Pandas std() method is used to calculate the standard deviation of a collection of values, a DataFrame, a column, and a row.

Series.std( skipna=None, axis=None, ddof=1, level=None, numeric_only=None, **kwargs)

5.   How do you define a DataFrame in Pandas?

A DataFrame is a pandas data structure that uses a two-dimensional array with labeled axes (rows and columns). A DataFrame is a typical way to store data with two indices, namely a row index, and a column index. It has the following characteristics:

Columns of heterogeneous kinds, such as int and bool, can be used, and it may be a dictionary of Series structures with indexed rows and columns. When it comes to columns, it's "columns," and when it comes to rows, it's "index."

6.   What distinguishes the Pandas Library from other libraries?

The following are the essential aspects of the panda's library: Alignment of Data

Efficient Memory

Time Series Reshaping Join and merge

7.   What is the purpose of reindexing in Pandas?

DataFrame is reindexed to adhere to a new index with optional filling logic. It inserts NA/NaN in areas where the values are missing from the preceding index. Unless the new index is provided as identical to the current one, the

value of the copy becomes False. It returns a new object, and it is used to modify the DataFrame's rows and columns index.

10. Can you explain how to use categorical data in Pandas?

Categorical data is a Pandas data type that correlates to a categorical statistical variable. A categorical variable has a restricted number of potential values, usually fixed. Gender, place of origin, blood type, socioeconomic status, observation time, and Likert scale ratings are just a few examples. Categorical data values are either in categories or np.nan.

This data typically comes in handy in the following scenarios:


It's handy for a string variable with a limited number of possible values. We can change a string variable to a categorical variable to save some memory.

It is useful when a variable's lexical order differs from its logical order (one?? two?? three?). Sorting and min/max are responsible for using the logical order instead of the lexical order by converting to a categorical and specifying an order on the categories.

Because this column should be handled as a categorical variable, it serves as a signal to other Python libraries.

12.   In Pandas, how can we make a replica of the series?

The following syntax can be used to make a replica of a series: Series.copy(deep=True)


The statements above create a deep copy, which contains a copy of the data and the indices. If we set deep to False, neither the indices nor the data will be copied.

13.   How can I rename a Pandas DataFrame's index or columns?

You may use the .rename method to change the values of DataFrame's columns or index values.

14.   What is the correct way to iterate over a Pandas DataFrame?

By combining a loop with an iterrows() function on the DataFrame, you may iterate over the rows of the DataFrame.

15.   How Do I Remove Indices, Rows, and Columns from a Pandas Data Frame?

You must perform the following if you wish to delete the index from the DataFrame:

Dataframe's Index Reset


To delete the index name, run del

Reset the index and drop the duplicate values from the index column to remove duplicate index values.

With a row, you may remove an index.

Getting Rid of a Column in your Dataframe


The drop() function may remove a column from a DataFrame. The axis option given to the drop() function is either 0 to indicate the rows or 1 to indicate the columns to be dropped.

To remove the column without reassigning the DataFrame, pass the argument in place and set it to True.

The drop duplicates() function may also remove duplicate values from a column.

Getting Rid of a Row in your Dataframe


We may delete duplicate rows from the DataFrame by calling df.drop duplicates().

The drop() function may indicate the index of the rows to be removed from the DataFrame.

16.   What is a NumPy array in Pandas?

Numerical Python (Numpy) is a Python module that allows you to do different numerical computations and handle multidimensional and single-

dimensional array items. Numpy arrays are quicker than regular Python arrays for computations.

17.     What is the best way to transform a DataFrame into a NumPy array?

We can convert Pandas DataFrame to NumPy arrays to conduct various high-level mathematical procedures. The NumPy() method is used.

The DataFrame.to_numpy() function is used to the DataFrame which returns the numpy ndarray. DataFrame.back to_the numpy(dtype=None, copy=False).

18.   What is the best way to convert a DataFrame into an Excel file?

Using the to excel() method, we can export the DataFrame to an excel file. We must mention the destination filename to write a single object to an excel file. If we wish to write too many sheets, we must build an ExcelWriter object with the destination filename and the sheet in the file that we want to write to.

19.   What is the meaning of Time Series in panda?

Time series data is regarded as an important source of information for developing a strategy that many organizations may use. It contains a lot of facts about the time, from the traditional banking business to the education industry. Time series forecasting is a machine learning model that deals with Time Series data to predict future values.

20.   What is the meaning of Time Offset?

The offset defines a range of dates that meet the DateOffset's requirements. We can use Date Offsets to advance dates forward to make them legitimate.

21.   How do you define Time periods?

The Time Periods reflect the length of time, such as days, years, quarters, and months. It's a class that lets us convert frequencies to periods.

Numpy Interview Questions

1.   What exactly is Numpy?

NumPy is a Python-based array processing program. It includes a high- performance multidimensional array object and utilities for manipulating them. It is the most important Python module for scientific computing. An N-dimensional array object with a lot of power and sophisticated broadcasting functions.

2.   What is the purpose of NumPy in Python?

NumPy is a Python module that is used for Scientific Computing. The NumPy package is used to carry out many tasks. A multidimensional array called ndarray (NumPy Array) holds the same data type values. These arrays are indexed in the same way as Sequences are, starting at zero.

3.   What does Python's NumPy stand for?

NumPy (pronounced /nmpa/ (NUM-py) or /nmpi/ (NUM-pee)) is a Python library that adds support for huge, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, as well as a vast number of high-level mathematical functions to work on these arrays.

4.   Where does NumPy come into play?

NumPy is a free, open-source Python library for numerical computations. A multi-dimensional array and matrix data structures are included in NumPy, and it may execute many operations on arrays, including trigonometric, statistical, and algebraic algorithms. NumPy is a Numeric and Numarray extension.

5.   Installation of Numpy into Windows? Step 1:

Install Python on your Windows 10/8/7 computer. To begin, go to the official Python download website and download the Python executable binaries for your Windows machine.

Step 2:

Install Python using the Python executable installer.

Step 3:

Download and install pip for Windows 10/8/7.

Step 4:

Install Numpy in Python on Windows 10/8/7 using pip.

The Numpy Installation Process. Step 1:

Open the terminal

Step 2:

Type pip install NumPy

6.   What is the best way to import NumPy into Python?

Import NumPy as np

7.   How can I make a one-dimensional(1D)array?


Num = np.array(num) Print(“1d array : “,num)

8.   How can I make a two-dimensional (2D)array?


Num2 = np.array(num2) Print(“\n2d array : “,num2)

9.   How do I make a 3D or ND array?


Num3 = np.array(num3) Print(“\n3d array : “,num3)

10.   What is the best way to use a shape in a 1D array?

If num=[1,2,3], print('nshape of 1d',num.shape) if not defined.

11.  What is the best way to use shape in a 2D array?

If not added, num2=[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] print('nshape of 2d',num2.shape)

12.   What is the best way to use shape in 3D or Nd Array?

Num3=[[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]] if not added

Print(‘\nshpae of 3d ‘,num3.shape)

13.   What is the best way to identify the data type of a NumPy array?

Print(‘\n data type num 1 ‘,num.dtype) Print(‘\n data type num 2 ‘,num2.dtype) Print(‘\n data type num 3 ‘,num3.dtype)

14.   Can you print 5 zeros?

Arr = np.zeros(5) Print(‘single arrya’,arr)

15.   Print zeros in a two-row, three-column format?

Arr2 = np.zeros((2,3))

Print(‘\nprint 2 rows and 3 cols : ‘,arr2)


16.   Is it possible to utilize eye() diagonal values?


Arr3 = np.eye(4) Print(‘\ndiaglonal values : ‘,arr3)


17.   Is it possible to utilize diag() to create a square matrix?


Arr3 = np.diag([1,2,3,4]) Print(‘\n square matrix’,arr3)


18.   Printing range Show 4 integers random numbers between 1 and 15


Rand_arr = np.random.randint(1,15,4)

Print(‘\n random number from 1 to 15 ‘,rand_arr)


19.   Print a range of 1 to 100 and show four integers at random.

Rand_arr3 = np.random.randint(1,100,20)

Print(‘\n random number from 1 to 100 ‘,rand_arr3)


20.    Print range between random numbers 2 rows and three columns, select integer's random numbers.


Rand_arr2 = np.random.randint([2,3])

Print(‘\n random number 2 row and 3 cols ‘,rand_arr2)


21.   What is an example of the seed() function? What is the best way to utilize it? What is the purpose of seed()?



Rand_arr4 = np.random.randint(1,100,20) Print(‘\nseed() showing same number only : ‘,rand_arr4)

22.   What is one-dimensional indexing? Num = np.array([5,15,25,35]) is one example. Num = np.array([5,15,25,35])

Print(‘my array : ‘,num)


23.   Print the first, last, second, and third positions.


Num = np.array([5,15,25,35]) if not added Print(‘\n first position : ‘,num[0]) #5 Print(‘\n third position : ‘,num[2]) #25


24.   How do you find the final integer in a NumPy array?


Num = np.array([5,15,25,35]) if not added Print(‘\n forth position : ‘,num[3])


25.      How can we prove it pragmatically if we don't know the last position?


Num = np.array([5,15,25,35]) if not added

Print(‘\n last indexing done by -1 position : ‘,num[-1])




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