DATA WRANGLING for python - Home Teachers India


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Monday 5 December 2022




Data wrangling, also known as data munging, is the act of changing and mapping data from one "raw" data type into another to make it more suitable and profitable for downstream applications such as analytics. Data wrangling aims to ensure that the data is high quality and usable. Data analysts generally spend the bulk of their time wrangling data rather than

analyzing it when it comes to data analysis.

Further munging, data visualization, data aggregation, training a statistical model, and many more possible uses are all part of the data wrangling process. Data wrangling often involves extracting raw data from a data source, "munging" or parsing the raw data into preset data structures, and ultimately depositing the generated information into a data sink for storage and future use.


With rawer data emanating from more data that isn't intrinsically usable, more effort is needed in cleaning and organizing before it can be evaluated. This is where data wrangling comes into play. The output of data wrangling can give useful metadata statistics for gaining more insights into the data; nevertheless, it is critical to ensure that information is consistent since inconsistent metadata might present bottlenecks. Data wrangling enables analysts to swiftly examine more complex data, provide more accurate results, and make better judgments as a result. Because of its results, many firms have shifted to data wrangling systems.

The Basic Concepts

The following are the major steps in data wrangling:



The first step in data wrangling is to obtain a deeper knowledge: different data types are processed and structured differently.



This step involves arranging the information. Raw data is frequently disorganized, and most of it may be useless in the final output. This step is necessary for the subsequent calculation and analysis to be as simple as possible.



Cleaning data can take various forms, such as identifying dates that have been formatted incorrectly, deleting outliers that distort findings, and formatting null values. This phase is critical for ensuring the data's overall quality.



Determine whether more data would enrich the data set and could be easily contributed at this point.



This process is comparable to cleaning and structuring. To ensure data consistency, quality, and security, use recurring sequences of validation rules. An example of a validation rule is confirming the correctness of fields through cross-checking data.



Prepare the data set for usage in the future. This might be done through software or by an individual. During the wrangling process, make a note of any steps and logic.

This iterative procedure should result in a clean and useful data collection that can be analyzed. This is a time-consuming yet beneficial technique since it helps analysts extract information from a large quantity of data that would otherwise be difficult.

Typical Use

Extractions, parsing, joining, standardizing, augmenting, cleansing, consolidating, and filtering is common data transformations applied to distinct entities (e.g., fields, rows, columns, data values, etc.) within a data set. They can include actions like extractions, parsing, joining, standardizing, augmenting, cleansing, consolidating, and filtering to produce desired wrangling outputs that can be leveraged.

Individuals who will study the data further, business users who will consume the data directly in reports, or systems that will further analyze it and write it to targets such as data warehouses, data lakes, or downstream applications might be the receivers.

Data cleaning is the process of detecting and correcting (or removing) corrupt or inaccurate data from a recordset, table, or database, and it entails identifying incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate, or irrelevant parts of the data and then replacing, modifying, or deleting the dirty or coarse data. Data purification may be done in real-time using data wrangling tools or in batches using scripting.

After cleaning, a data set should be consistent with other similar data sets in the system. User entry mistakes, transmission or storage damage, or differing data dictionary definitions of comparable entities in various stores may have caused the discrepancies discovered or eliminated. Data cleaning varies from data validation in that validation nearly always results in data being rejected from the system at the time of entry. In contrast, data cleaning is conducted on individual records rather than batches.

Data cleaning may entail repairing typographical mistakes or verifying and correcting information against a known set of entities. Validation can be stringent (e.g., rejecting any address without a valid postal code) or fuzzy (e.g., approximating string matches) (such as correcting records that partially match existing, known records). Some data cleaning software cleans data by comparing it to an approved data collection. Data augmentation is a popular data cleaning process, and data is made more comprehensive by adding relevant information—appending addresses with phone numbers associated with that address. Data cleaning can also include

data harmonization (or normalization). Data harmonization is the act of combining data from "different file formats, naming conventions, and columns" and transforming it into a single, coherent data collection; an example is the extension of abbreviations ("st, rd, etc." to "street, road, etcetera").

Data Quality

A set of quality requirements must be met for data to be considered high- quality. These are some of them:


Validity (statistics): The degree to which the measurements adhere to established business norms or limits. Validity is rather straightforward to verify when contemporary database technology is utilized to create data-capture systems. Invalid data is most commonly found in legacy situations or when the wrong data-capture technique was employed. The following are the types of data constraints:

Data-Type Constraints — For example, values in a column must be of a specific data type, such as Boolean, numeric (integer or real), date, and so on.

Range Constraints: Numbers or dates should normally fall inside a specific range. That is, they have permitted minimum and maximum values.

Mandatory Constraints: Some columns can't be left blank. Unique Constraints: Within a dataset, a field, or a combination of fields, must be unique. No two people can have the same social security number, for example.

Set-Membership constraints: A column's values are derived from a collection of discrete values or codes. A person's sex, for example, might be Female, Male, or Non-Binary.

Foreign-key constraints: This is a more general instance of set membership. The set of values is defined in a unique values column in another table. For example, in a US taxpayer database, the "state" field must be one of the US's specified states or territories; the list of permitted states/territories is kept in a separate State table. The phrase "foreign key" comes from the world of relational databases.

Regular expression patterns: Text fields will occasionally need to be verified using regular expression patterns. Phone numbers, for example, may be required to follow the pattern (999) 999- 9999.

Cross-field validation: Certain constraints must be met if several fields are used. For example, in laboratory medicine, the total of the differential white blood cell count components must equal

100. (since they are all percentages). A patient's discharge date from the hospital cannot be earlier than the date of admission in a hospital database.

Accuracy: This measures the degree of conformance to a standard or real value. In the general instance, accuracy is difficult to accomplish through data cleaning. It necessitates access to an external source of data that includes the correct value: such "gold standard" data is frequently unavailable. External databases that match up zip codes to geographical locations (city and state) and also assist verify that street addresses inside these zip codes exist have been used to achieve accuracy in specific cleaning scenarios, especially customer contact data.

Completeness:   Refers          to  how well      all    of     the         required measurements are known. The data cleaning technique can't correct inconsistencies since it can't deduce facts that weren't documented when the data in question was first recorded. Suppose a system requires that some columns not be empty. In that case, one may work around the difficulty by specifying a value     that signals "unknown"    or   "missing," but           providing default values does not guarantee that the data is full.) Inconsistency:    The    degree    to    which    a    collection    of measurements is equal across systems. When two data elements in a data collection contradict one other, inconsistency develops. For example, only one may be correct if a client is stored in two distinct systems with two different current addresses. Fixing inconsistency is not always possible: it necessitates a variety of strategies, such as determining which data were recorded more recently, determining which data source is likely to be the most reliable (the latter knowledge may be unique to a given















organization), or simply trying to find the truth by testing both data items (e.g., calling up the customer).

Uniformity: The degree to which a collection of data measures is stated in all systems using the same units of measure. Weight may be reported in pounds or kilograms in datasets compiled from many locations and must be transformed to a single measure via an arithmetic transformation.

Integrity: Because it is inadequately explicit, the term integrity is seldom employed by itself in data-cleaning situations. It comprises correctness, consistency, and some validation elements (see also data integrity). (For example, the enforcement of foreign-key limitations is referred to as "referential integrity.").



1.   Data auditing: Anomalies and inconsistencies are detected using statistical and database approaches, which leads to identifying the anomalies' features and locations. Several commercial software programs allow you to specify various types of constraints (using a syntax similar to that of a normal programming language, such as JavaScript or Visual Basic) and then produce code that examines the data for violations of these constraints. This process is defined by "workflow definition" and "workflow execution." Microcomputer database packages such as Microsoft Access or File Maker Pro will let you perform such checks interactively on a constraint-by-constraint basis.

2.   Workflow specification: The identification and elimination of anomalies are carried out by a workflow, which is a series of activities on data. It is specified after the data auditing process and is critical in creating a high-quality data result. The reasons for abnormalities and inaccuracies in the data must be carefully evaluated to establish a suitable workflow.

3.   Workflow execution: After the workflow's definition is complete and its validity is checked, the workflow is run at this step. The process should be efficient, even when working with massive volumes of data, which is inherently a trade-off

because performing a data-cleaning procedure might be computationally expensive.

4.   Post-processing and controlling: After the cleaning operation has been completed, the results are adequately examined. If possible, data that could not be updated during the workflow execution is manually repaired. Consequently, the data is verified again in the data-cleaning process, allowing the definition of an extra workflow to purify the data through automated processing further.

Good quality source data is linked to a company's "Data Quality Culture," which must start at the top. It's not merely a question of putting in place robust validation checks on input screens because users can often get around these tests, no matter how powerful they are. There is a nine-step process for firms looking to increase data quality:


Make a strong commitment to a data quality culture. Push for process reengineering at the executive level. Invest in improving the data entry environment.

Invest in improving application integration.

Spend money to alter the way processes are carried out. Encourage all team members to be aware of the situation from beginning to end.

Encourage cross-departmental collaboration. Extol the virtues of data quality in public.

Measure and enhance data quality regularly.

Other options include:


Parsing: Parsing is used to discover syntax problems. A parser determines if a string of data falls inside the parameters of the data specification. A parser similarly deals with grammar and languages.

Data transformation: Data transformation is converting data from one format to another so that the appropriate application may read it. Value conversions or translation functions and normalizing numeric numbers to adhere to minimum and maximum values fall under this category.

Duplicate elimination: Duplicate detection necessitates a technique that determines if data includes duplicate representations of the same object. Data is usually sorted using a key that brings duplicate entries closer to easier detection.

Statistical methods: By evaluating the data with mean, standard deviation, range, or clustering techniques, an expert might discover numbers that are unexpected and hence incorrect. Although it is difficult to fix such data since the real value is unknown, the problem can be remedied by adjusting the numbers to an average or other statistical value. Missing values that can be replaced by one or more reasonable values, normally produced using complex data augmentation processes, can also be handled using statistical approaches.

The graphic depiction of data is the subject of data visualization, which is an interdisciplinary discipline. When the data is large, such as in a time series, it is a very effective communication.

Data Visualization

1.   What constitutes good data visualization?


Use of color theory Data positioning

Bars over circles and squares

Reducing chart junk by avoiding 3D charts and eliminating the use of pie charts to show proportions


2.   How can you see more than three dimensions in a single chart?

Typically, data is shown in charts using height, width, and depth in pictures; however, to visualize more than three dimensions, we employ visual cues such as color, size, form, and animations to portray changes over time.

3.      What processes are involved in the 3D Transformation of data visualization?

Data transformation in 3D is necessary because it provides a more comprehensive picture of the data and the ability to see it in more detail.

The overall procedure is as follows:


   Viewing Transformation

   Workstation Transformation

   Modeling Transformation

   Projection Transformation

4.   What is the definition of Row-Level Security?

Row-level security limits the data a person can see and access based on their access filters. Depending on the visualization tool being used, users can specify row-level security. Several prominent visualization technologies, including Qlik, Tableau, and Power BI, are available.

5.   What Is Visualization “Depth Cueing”?

Depth cueing is a fundamental challenge in vision approaches. Some 3D objects lack visual line and surface identification due to a lack of depth information. To draw attention to the visible lines, draw them as dashed lines and delete the unseen ones.

6.   Explain Surface Rendering in Visualization?


Lightening conditions in the screen Degree of transparency

Assigned characteristics Exploded and cutaway views

How rough or smooth the surfaces are to be Three dimensional and stereoscopic views

7.   What is Informational Visualization?

Information visualization focused on computer-assisted tools to study huge amounts of abstract data. The User Interface Research Group at Xerox PARC, which includes Dr. Jock Mackinlay, was the first to develop the phrase "information visualization." Selecting, manipulating, and showing abstract data in a way that allows human engagement for exploration and comprehension is a practical use of information visualization in computer applications. The dynamics of visual representation and interaction are

important features of information visualization. Strong approaches allow the user to make real-time changes to the display, allowing for unequaled observation of patterns and structural relationships in abstract data.

8.   What are the benefits of using Electrostatic Plotters?


They outperform pen plotters and high-end printers in terms of speed and quality.

A    scan-conversion   feature   is   now    available   on   several electrostatic plotters.

There are color electrostatic plotters on the market, and they make numerous passes over the page to plot color images.

9.   What is Pixel Phasing?

Pixel phasing is an antialiasing method that smooths out stair steps by shifting the electron beam closer to the places defined by the object shape.

10.   Define Perspective Projection

This is accomplished by projecting points to the display plane and converging points. As a result, items further away from the viewing point should be smaller than those present here.

11.  Explain winding numbers in visualization

The winding number approach determines whether a particular point is inside or outside the polygon. This approach gives all the edges that cross the scan line a direction number. If the edge begins below the line and finishes above the scan line, the direction should be -1; otherwise, it should be 1. When the value of the winding number is nonzero, the point is considered to be inside polygons or two-dimensional objects.

12.   What is Parallel Projection?

Parallel projection is the process of creating a 2D representation of a 3D scene—project points from the object's surface along parallel lines on the display plane. Different 2D perspectives of things may be created by projecting the visible spots.

13.   What is a blobby object?

Some objects may not retain a constant form but instead vary their surface features in response to particular motions or close contact with other objects. Molecular structures and water droplets are two examples of blobby objects.

14.   What is Non-Emissive?

They are optical effects that turn light from any source into pictorial forms, such as sunshine. A good example is the liquid crystal display.

15.   What is Emissive?

Electrical energy is converted into light energy by the emissive display. Examples include plasma screens and thin film electroluminescent displays.

16.   What is Scan Code?

When a key is pushed on the keyboard, the keyboard controller stores a code corresponding to the pressed key in the keyboard buffer, which is a section of memory. The scan code is the name given to this code.

17.   What is the difference between a window port and a viewport?

A window port refers to a section of an image that a window will display. The viewport is the display area of the selected portion of the form in which the selected component is displayed.


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