Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security , 2nd Edition - Home Teachers India


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Saturday 8 October 2022

Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security , 2nd Edition


Title: Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security , 2nd Edition 
Series: Springer Reference
Author(s): Henk C. A. Van Tilborg, Sushil Jajodia (editors)
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2011
ISBN: 144195905X; 9781441959058

A description of the salesperson. This book is also available as part of a package.Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security (978-1-4419-5907-2) Biography:Henk C. A. van Tilborg is the scientific director of the research schools EIDMA (Euler Institute for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications) and Eindhoven Institute for Systems and Information Protection Scientific Director of EIPSI. He is a member of the Board of Directors of WIC (Werkgemeenschap voor Informatie en Communicatietheorie). Dr. van Tilburg received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. He worked as an associate professor at the university before becoming a full professor in 2010. During this time, he also served as an adjunct professor at the Open University of the Netherlands. He has also been a visiting professor at Caltech, University of Pretoria and Macquarie University, and a visiting scientist at IBM Almaden Research Center and Bell Labs. He has been involved in the organization of many international conferences. He is co-chair of the program committee of ISIT- (IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory) in Germany. He is a member of the program committees of WCC, WCC, WCC, WCC and WCC (Workshop on Coding Theory and Cryptography). He has been an advisor to PhD and MS students in the field of coding theory and cryptography. van Tilborg, PhD, has written three books, two on cryptography and one on coding theory. He is the (co-)author of several articles in leading journals and also holds two patents. He is an associate editor of the journals Design, Code and Cryptography and Combinatorics, Information and Systems Science. Since December he is an associate editor of the Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society. Since January, he is also consulting editor of Advances in Communication Mathematics and editor of the Asia-Europe Journal of Mathematics. sushil Jajodia is university professor at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, BDM International Professor of Information Technology, and director of the Center for Secure Information Systems. He has served as the Chair of the Department of Information and Software Engineering. He joined GMU from the National Science Foundation's Division of Information, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems, where he served as director of the Database and Expert Systems Program. Prior to that, he was head of the Database and Distributed Systems Section in the Computer Science and Systems Division at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C., and associate professor of computer science and director of the graduate program at the University of Missouri in Columbia. He was also a visiting professor at the Universities of Milan and La Sapienza in Rome, Italy, and the Isaac Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cambridge, U.K. Dr. Jajodia received his Ph.D. from the University of Oregon, Eugene. His current research interests range from information confidentiality, privacy, integrity, and availability issues in the military, civilian, and commercial sectors. He has authored six books, edited 34 books and conference proceedings, and has published several technical papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings. He also holds eight patents and has several patent applications pending. For his contributions to the information security discipline, he received the Kristian Beckman Award from the IFIP TC, the Distinguished Research Faculty Award from the Volgenau School of Engineering at Mason University, and the ACM SIGSAC Distinguished Contribution Award for his research and teaching contributions in the field of information security and his service to ACM SIGSAC and the computing community. He was recognized as the most accepted paper at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. He has an h-index of . Dr. Jajodia has served in various capacities for various journals and conferences. He serves on the editorial boards of IET Information Security, International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, International Journal of Information and Computer Security, and International Journal of Information Security and Privacy. He is the founding editor-in-chief of the Journal of Computer Security () and a former editor of the ACM Journal of Information and Systems Security () and the IEEE Journal of Knowledge and Data Engineering. He is a consulting editor for the Springer International Series on Advances in Information Security. For his service to the IEEE Computer Society, he was named a Gold Core member and received the Silver Core Award from the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) in recognition of his outstanding service to IFIP. He is a past chair of the ACM Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control (SIGSAC), the IEEE Computer Society Data Engineering Technical Committee, and the IFIP WG. on System Integrity and Control. He is a senior member of IFIP.

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