Detection of Antibodies in the Serum - Home Teachers India


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Saturday 4 April 2020

Detection of Antibodies in the Serum

Detection of antibodies in the Serum.

Specific antibodies are produced after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Serum antibody determination methods include colloidal gold immunochromatography, ELISA, chemiluminescence immunoassay, etc. positive serum-specific LgM, or specific lgG antibody titers in the remvery Phase 4 times higher than that in the acute phase, as diagnostic criteria for suspected patients with negative nucleic acid detection can be used. During the follow-up and monitoring, lgM is 10 days after symptom onset and lgG 12 days after symptom onset is detectable. The viral load decreases gradually with the increase of serum antibodies.

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