New Updated list of FEM Finite element Method book topics - Home Teachers India


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Sunday 16 March 2014

New Updated list of FEM Finite element Method book topics

      I  BabuÅ¡ka, Approximation by Hill functions, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 
S  Bordas, T  Rabczuk, G  Zi, Three dimensional crack initiation, propagation, branching
and junction in non linear materials by an extended meshfree method without
asymptotic enrichment, Engineering Fracture Mechanics                 
     A  Carpinteri, Notch sensitivity in fracture testing of aggregative materials, Engineering
Fracture Mechanics           
    I  BabuÅ¡ka, Approximation by Hill functions  II, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae            – 
    I  BabuÅ¡ka, J M  Melenk, The partition of unity finite element method, International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering             
    I  BabuÅ¡ka, J  Osborn, Generalized finite element methods and their relation to mixed
methods, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis             
    I  BabuÅ¡ka, G  Caloz, J  Osborn, Special finite element methods for a class of second
order elliptic problems with rough coefficients, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
  T  Belytschko, L  Bindemann, Assumed strain stabilization of the   node quadrilateral
with   point quadrature for nonlinear problems, Computer Methods in Applied
Mechanics and Engineering             
    T  Belytschko, Y  Lu, Element free Galerkin methods for static and dynamic fracture,
International Journal of Solids and Structures               
    T  Belytschko, Y  Lu, L  Gu, Crack propagation by element free Galerkin methods,
Engineering Fracture Mechanics                 
    T  Belytschko, D  Organ, M  Tabbara, Numerical simulations of mixed mode dynamic
fracture in concrete using element free Galerkin methods, in: ICES Conference Proceedings,       
     T  Rabczuk, G  Zi, A  Gerstenberger, W  Wall, A new crack tip element for the phantom
node method with arbitrary cohesive cracks, International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Engineering             
     J  H  Song, P  Areias, T  Belytschko, A method for dynamic crack and shear band
propagation with phantom nodes, International Journal for Numerical Methods in
     G  Zi, T  Belytschko, New crack tip elements for XFEM and applications to cohesive
cracks, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering             
    S N  Atluri, S  Shen, The Meshless Local Petrov Galerkin Method, Tech  Sci  Press,         
    I  BabuÅ¡ka, U  Banerjee, J  Osborn, Survey of meshless and generalized finite element
methods, Acta Numerica           
    I  BabuÅ¡ka, U  Banerjee, J  Osborn, Generalized finite element methods: main ideas,
results, and perspective, International Journal of Computational Methods           
     T  Belytschko, Y Y  Lu, L  Gu, Element free Galerkin methods, International Journal
for Numerical Methods in Engineering             
     T  Belytschko, Y  Krongauz, D  Organ, M  Fleming, P  Krysl, Meshless methods:
an overview and recent developments, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
     V  Challis, A discrete level set topology optimization code written in Matlab, Structural
and Multidisciplinary Optimization             
     S  De, K  Bathe, The method of finite spheres, Computational Mechanics           
     C A  Duarte, J T  Oden, An h p adaptive method using clouds, Computer Methods in
Applied Mechanics and Engineering             
     C A  Duarte, J T  Oden, H p clouds—an h p meshless method, Numerical Methods
for Partial Differential Equations                 
     C A M  Duarte, A Review of Some Meshless Methods to Solve Partial Differential
Equations, Technical Report      , TICAM, University of Texas at Austin, 

    J  Dolbow, N  Moes, T  Belytschko, Discontinuous enrichment in finite elements with
a partition of unity method, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design           
    A  Hansbo, P  Hansbo, A finite element method for the simulation of strong and weak
discontinuities in solid mechanics, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
    T  Menouillard, J  Rethore, A  Combescure, H  Bung, Efficient explicit time stepping
for the extended finite element method  X FEM , International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Engineering                 
    T  Menouillard, J  Rethore, N  Moes, A  Combescure, H  Bung, Mass lumping strategies
for X FEM explicit dynamics: application to crack propagation, International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering                 
    N  Moes, J  Dolbow, T  Belytschko, A finite element method for crack growth without
remeshing, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering           
     D  Organ, M  Fleming, T  Terry, T  Belytschko, Continuous meshless approximations
for nonconvex bodies by diffraction and transparency, Computational Mechanics 

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