Latest Corona virus Information from World Health Organization by WhatsApp Chat - Home Teachers India


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Saturday 21 March 2020

Latest Corona virus Information from World Health Organization by WhatsApp Chat

3/21/20, 10:35 - Messages to this chat and calls are now secured with end-to-end encryption. World Health Organization may use another company to store, read and respond to your messages and calls. Tap for more info.
3/21/20, 10:35 - Home Teachers: hi
3/21/20, 10:35 - World Health Organization: *Welcome to the World Health Organization*
Get information and guidance from WHO regarding the current outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
*What would you like to know about coronavirus?*
Reply with a number (or emoji) at any time to get the latest information on the topic:
1. Latest numbers ����
2. Protect yourself ����
3. Your questions answered���
4. Mythbusters ����
5. Travel advice �������
6. News & Press ����
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8. Donate now ����
3/21/20, 10:36 - Home Teachers: 1
3/21/20, 10:36 - World Health Organization: *Latest numbers* ����
Situation report - #60
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
_Data as reported by national authorities by 23:59 CET 19 March 2020_
total (new) cases in last 24 hours
234 073 confirmed (24 247)
9840 deaths (1061)
Western Pacific Region
93 349 confirmed (1016)
3405 deaths (28)
European Region
104 591 confirmed (17 506)
4899 deaths (816)
South-East Asia Region
918 confirmed (261)
31 deaths (8)
Eastern Mediterranean Region
20 759 confirmed (1254)
1312 deaths (151)
Region of the Americas
13 271 confirmed (4104)
178 deaths (57)
African Region
473 confirmed (106)
8 deaths (1)
Global Level Very High
*For country numbers, find the latest situation reports here:*
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3/21/20, 10:36 - Home Teachers: 2
3/21/20, 10:36 - World Health Organization: Watch the video:
*Protect yourself*
���� Wash your hands frequently
���� Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose
���� Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze
���� Avoid crowded places
����Stay at home if you feel unwell - even with a slight fever and cough
���� If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early - but call by phone first
������ Stay aware of the latest information from WHO
��� Share this service with this link:
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3/21/20, 10:36 - Home Teachers: 3
3/21/20, 10:36 - World Health Organization: *Your questions answered*���
*Reply with the number to get the correct answer:*
10. What are coronaviruses, what is COVID-19 and how is it related to SARS?
11. What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
12. How does COVID-19 spread?
13. Can I catch COVID-19 from feces, animals or pets?
14. Can I catch COVID-19 from infected surfaces or packages from infected areas?
15. What can I do to protect myself and prevent the spread of disease?
16. What should I do if I have visited an area where COVID-19 is spreading?
17. What are the treatment options for COVID-19 (including drugs, vaccines, therapies)?
18. Should I wear a mask to protect myself?
19. Is there anything I should not do?
20. How do I cope with stress during COVID-19?
21. How do I help children cope with stress during COVID-19?
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3/21/20, 10:36 - Home Teachers: 4
3/21/20, 10:36 - World Health Organization: *WHO Myth-busters*
There is a lot of false information around. These are the facts.
���� People of all ages CAN be infected by the coronavirus. Older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus.
������ Cold weather and snow CANNOT kill the coronavirus.
������ The coronavirus CAN be transmitted in areas with hot and humid climates
���� The coronavirus CANNOT be transmitted through mosquito bites.
���� There is NO evidence that companion animals/pets such as dogs or cats can transmit the coronavirus.
���� Taking a hot bath DOES NOT prevent the coronavirus
���� Hand dryers are NOT effective in killing the coronavirus
���� Ultraviolet light SHOULD NOT be used for sterilization and can cause skin irritation
������� Thermal scanners CAN detect if people have a fever but CANNOT detect whether or not someone has the coronavirus
���� Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body WILL NOT kill viruses that have already entered your body
���� Vaccines against pneumonia, such as pneumococcal vaccine and _Haemophilus influenzae_ type b (Hib) vaccine, DO NOT provide protection against the coronavirus.
���� There is NO evidence that regularly rinsing the nose with saline has protected people from infection with the coronavirus.
���� Garlic is healthy but there is NO evidence from the current outbreak that eating garlic has protected people from the coronavirus.
���� Antibiotics DO NOT work against viruses, antibiotics only work against bacteria.
���� To date, there is NO specific medicine recommended to prevent or treat the coronavirus.
Check the facts on the WHO website:
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3/21/20, 10:36 - Home Teachers: 5
3/21/20, 10:36 - World Health Organization: WHO continues to advise against the application of travel or trade restrictions to countries experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks.
It is prudent for travellers who are sick to delay or avoid travel to affected areas, in particular for elderly travellers and people with chronic diseases or underlying health conditions. ���Affected areas��� are considered those countries, provinces, territories or cities experiencing ongoing transmission of COVID-19, in contrast to areas reporting only imported cases.
General recommendations for all travellers include:
���� Wash your hands frequently
���� Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose
���� Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze
������ Stay more than 1 meter (3 feet) away from a person who is sick
���� Follow proper food hygiene practices
���� Only wear a mask if you are ill with COVID-19 symptoms (especially coughing) or looking after someone who may have COVID-19.
*Travellers returning from affected areas should:*
���� Self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days and follow national protocols of receiving countries. Some countries may require returning travellers to enter quarantine.
���� If symptoms occur, such as fever, or cough or difficulty breathing, travellers are advised to contact local health care providers, preferably by phone, and inform them of their symptoms and their travel history.
For the latest travel advice:
For the latest situation reports for affected areas:
For advice on proper food hygiene practices:
For advice on visiting live animal markets:
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3/21/20, 10:36 - Home Teachers: 6
3/21/20, 10:36 - World Health Organization: *News & Press*
*Situation reports:* Situation reports provide the latest updates on the novel coronavirus outbreak.
*Rolling Updates:* Rolling updates on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) sourced from across WHO media.
*News articles:* All news releases, statements and notes for the media.
*Press briefings*: Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) press briefings including videos, audio and transcripts.
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3/21/20, 10:36 - Home Teachers: 7
3/21/20, 10:37 - World Health Organization: *Protect yourself, your family, friends and community*
Share this service by clicking on this official share link:
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3/21/20, 10:37 - Home Teachers: 8
3/21/20, 10:37 - World Health Organization: *Donate now to help fight coronavirus* ����
The Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund is a secure way for individuals, philanthropies and businesses to contribute to the WHO-led effort to respond to the pandemic.
*Donate here:*
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