Components of INTERNET clever - Home Teachers India


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Tuesday 31 March 2020

Components of INTERNET clever

Components of the Internet This you all what you need to start the development of the Internet without any external factors Honeymoon Internet components contain more than 50 components that constantly refined and provided improved Intelligent use of the internet auto suite you may add SSL/TLS immediate / SSH internet security applications and the implementation of many of the useful features Internet Related 
* components of RAD Studio 10 2 3 4 Tokyo 
* HTTP FTP SMTP FTP POP3 and IMAP NNTP Server clients and servers 
* the protocols of the Sftp SSH 
* x509 certificate management 
* OAUTH 1 0 authorization 
* the Dkim soap * and many others Features at a glance 
* The DKIM signature verification to generate key pair DNS txt record 
* Remote Procedure using SOAP WSDL SOAP HTTPRIO security support 
* Multiple digital signatures of the soap 
* Downloading large files > 4 Gb multiple threads 
* View the information provided for any process Windows 8 look and elegance 
* Operation of several asynchronous tasks with a limited number of threads 
* Encrypt/Decrypt and sign / Data verification with the X509 Digital Certificate 
* The client and server components full support of SSL/TLS FTP SMTP POP3 and IMAP4 
* Therefore OAUTH SMTP IMAP and HTTP components EMAIL GMAIL 
* Send / receive HTTP requests in JSON XML format 
* International Domain Names HTTP components of the IDN 
* Easy to use HTTP Server 
* The Protocols of the Sftp upload and download files as well as the management of files and directories through file transfer protocol SSH 
* FTP client the SSL/TLS FXP support FTP File Transfer depending on the location 
* The FTP server custom events for all operations with the files and directories of virtual file system * Import / Export / Log In / Check the establishment of self signed x509 certificates 
* Email with S/MIME 
* Find the analysis of email messages in any form with attachments images embedded 
* A DNS server DNS zones cache management UNRELIABLE DNS records 
* SMTP Relay pass email messages through a number of intermediate relay host or gateway on its way from sender to receiver 
* Email Validation check email address availability rebounded 
* The HTML parser GZip or pump 
* The impact of illegal loggers luggage debugging information and tracking your code New features * Full RAD Studio 10 2 3 support Tokyo 
* Support the versions of Visual Studio 2010 2012 2013 2015 2017 
* SFTP protocols of strong encryption algorithms new 
* Prepare TLS 1 3 Using the new protocol components after their release 
* TLS 1 3 SMIME strong encryption algorithms and signature to obtain information on the use of encryption algorithms and EXTRACTING BounceChecker certificates 
* Extract email addresses analyze the content of the letter check email 
* New Dkim and EMAILS GMail examples 
* IMAP4 UTF 7 encoding name research management and participation and a list of the names of the MAILBOXES in the original language 
* HTTP connection is implemented

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