CAD Question papers - Home Teachers India


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Thursday 30 April 2015

CAD Question papers

Reg. No……………
B. Tech. MODEL EXAMINATION, APRIL 2015         
Fourth Semester
Department of Mechanical Engineering
SRM University, Delhi NCR Campus
Time: Three hours                                                          Max. Marks: 100
Answer ALL Questions
PART-A (10*2 = 20 Marks)
1.      Define: Geometric modeling and DBMS.
2.      Differentiate between primitive approach and features approach.
3.      Define: Model co-ordinate system.
4.      What is rendering in a graphic environment?
5.      Give the advantages of design by features.
6.      What are the limitations of feature technology?
7.      What are the properties of stiffness matrix?
8.      What is meant by element and shape function?
9.      Give examples for commercial analysis software packages.
10.  What do you mean by simulation?
PART – B (5*4 = 20 Marks)
Answer ANY FIVE Questions
1.      Describe the parametric representation of ellipse.
2.      Explain any one design process in detail.
3.      Explain the scaling and rotational transformations.
4.      Discuss any two visibility techniques in hidden line removal.
5.      Explain the classification of feature in detail.
6.      Explain the stages of FEA in CAD environment
7.       Give a brief notes on any two types of simulation.

PART – C (5*12 = 60 Marks)
Answer ALL Questions
1.      a. What is the purpose of Solid modeling? Explain in detail about the CSG technique.
    b. Write a brief notes on the following: (i) Boolean operations
                 (ii) Extrude       (iii) Sweep        (iv) Revolve
2. a. Explain in detail about the z-buffer algorithm with its advantages and     disadvantages.   
 b. Explain the various color models with neat sketch.
 3. a.  Discuss the salient features of any two modeling software packages.
   b. Give a brief outline of any three data exchange standards.
          4. a. Derive shape function and element stiffness matrix for 1 D linear element.
b. In a bar as shown in figure. An axial load of 200 KN is applied at the point P. Take A1 = 2400 mm2, E1 = 70*103 N/mm2, A2 = 600 mm2, E2 = 200*103 N/mm2. Calculate nodal displacement at the point P and the stress in each material.

        5. a.  Briefly discuss the following.
                               (i)  Kinematic analysis
  (ii) Manufacturability analysis

      b. What is animation? Explain the types of animation in detail.

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